
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Review of Night Driving: A Story of Faith in the Dark by Addie Zierman

Night Driving: A Story of Faith in the Dark by Addie Zierman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"The way out of the darkness has always, for me, started with telling the truth." - Addie Zierman

I really enjoyed Addie's first book, When We Were on Fire, and I also really enjoyed her latest release. For those of us who grew up thinking we had it all figured out and "felt" so close to God, but have come to struggle through doubts and darkness, Addie's book is like a big "me too" and the reader can be assured he/she is not the only one to struggle with faith in the dark. Addie's honesty and vulnerability draws you in and the book is extremely well written. Several times while I was reading this, I was reminded of Learning to Walk in the Dark by by Barbara Brown Taylor, another spiritual memoir I enjoyed reading. And despite the fact that I myself am neither married nor have children, I still found Addie's faith story resonating so much with my own.

(Sidenote: I love the cover of this book! It so perfectly pictures the essence of the book!)

From the description on Amazon and Goodreads:

"How do you know God is real?   

In the emotionally-charged, fire-filled faith in which Addie Zierman grew up, the answer to this question was simple: Because you’ve FELT him. 

Now, at age 30, she feels nothing. Just the darkness pressing in. Just the winter cold. Just a buzzing silence where God’s voice used to be. So she loads her two small children into the minivan one February afternoon and heads south in one last-ditch effort to find the Light. 

In her second memoir, Night Driving, Addie Zierman powerfully explores the gap between our sunny, faith fictions and a God who often seems hidden and silent. 

Against the backdrop of rushing Interstates, strangers’ hospitality, gas station coffee, and screaming children, Addie stumbles toward a faith that makes room for doubt, disappointment, and darkness…and learns that sometimes you have to run away to find your way home."

I'll leave you with a few of my favorite quotes from the book:

Night Driving: A Story of Faith in the Dark Purchase Links: Paperback, Kindle Edition, Audible.com Audiobook

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